New CD

For the international fans,
it started somewhere between the moment Peter walked off the
stage for the last time as a New Seeker and the release of the
last single This and That. The flip side of of
that single may have been titled It's All Over, but
the fans never believed it was, they just settled back to wait
for the next release. Information may have been scarce,
but wherever he was, they knew Peter would be working and recording............
he was, but what the fans would never have guessed was that
Peter had become gravely ill and as those close to him supported
and comforted him through the last few years they learnt about
his worst fear, the fear that he and his music would be forgotten.
friends and fans were devastated by Peter's passing, but there
was still something his closest friends could do for him, they
could help to ensure Peter never would be forgotten.
To this
end, Peter's wife, Jane, John Cartwright, Neil Gray and Greg
Lynch worked together to produce and launch “Peter's First
CD”, Rarities, a labour of love, a lasting tribute
to a wonderful artist and an absolute gift to his fans.

Launch night
First formed in 1959,
this was The Premiers final performance.

Message From

The Alfred Hospital