October 2015
It's already fourteen years today since Peter passed away. It's hard to believe it has been so long but over on the facebook group there have been plenty of tributes, old photos, clippings and a variety of tributes artistically created by his fans. Sandra Jackson usually hosts 'events' on the facebook page, in the form of a celebration of Peter's life to mark both his birthdays and anniversaries and they are always well supported proving that in spite of his worst fears, Peter is not forgotten and will not be!
Thank you Sandra for your support and continued enthusiasm on the facebook group.
The Peter Doyle Website on fb
One of the groups Peter appeared with in the later years of his career was the RAM Band and John Van Boxtel has put clips of the band on youtube in recent months including some when Peter was in the lineup and you can find them here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0un0uzqNZsNOV3cgwmajsA
The clips including Peter have now been made available along with some audio only tracks with information from John Van Boxtel as follows:
The RAM Band 'Live' DVD limited release.
Peter Doyle Vocal & Bass, Tony Faehse & Marty Stone Guitars, John van Boxtel Drums.
We have gathered these clips of Peter Doyle with the RAM Band on YouTube and put them on 1 DVD.
Starting with a 23 Minute filmed clip from Living Legend Live Concert at the Palace in 1992.
Peter has 2 songs, John has 2 songs and Tony has 1 song on it.
Peter has 20 more songs, (audio only) recorded live at Hotel Venues, using photo’s from living legends concert (as seen on YouTube).
The last 4 songs written by John van Boxtel, recorded on 4 track by Peter at his home.
Keyboard arrangement, guitar and vocals by Peter Doyle.
The DVD has 1 hour and 50 minutes of music on it and can be played on computer or DVD player.
Proceeds from sales donated to Support Act http://www.supportact.org.au/

I have just sent out a Newsletter to everyone on the mailing list to share the latest news. It's the first Newsletter which has gone out for a long time and I have already had several 'failed delivery' messages to say that email addresses are no longer valid. I am asking people who wish to receive any further Newsletters to email to confirm that they still want to receive them. and I am asking on here as well as in the Newletter to try to reach people still who want to be on the list but may have changed their email address in recent years. If you are in the facebook group you are likely to be kept up to date anyway and don't really need to receive them anymore, but please note any future Newsletter will only go out to people who do get in touch to confirm they want to be on the mailing list.
the website
March 2014
It's great to see that the website is so well supported even though I haven't been able to keep it very well updated for some time. Hopefully I will be able to do more work on it in the future.
If you haven't visited youtube for several months there are now plenty more clips of Peter to see, unfortunately not updated on the Sound and Vision page here yet, but well worth a look. They date from the 80s and 90s with Peter performing as a member of Trilogy and of the Ram Band in Australia. Some of the clips are audio only and some are not very good quality but all are worth finding to hear Peter singing a whole range of different songs and playing both electric and bass guitar. Give yourself a treat!
The website has a new email address so please use it to contact the site from now on. I will be sending out a message with the new address to everyone on the mailing list but if you want to add it to your address book - or contact the site, you can find it here
Don't forget, there are other ways to keep in touch - we have a very lively facebook group where people will post anything 'new' they find and it is a good place to meet other fans, make friends and share memories etc. We also still have a Yahoo Group where website newsletters are posted as well as being emailed to the mailing list, and again, members are welcome to post comments, share memories etc.
Thank you everyone for your continuing support in helping to keep Peter's memory alive.
July 2012
Site News
More exciting additions linked to the Sound and Vision page including 2 fantastic tracks from the earyly 80s not released to date on an album and some footage from a 1980s Australian telethon. The Sound and Vision page is now up to date (for the time being!).
News of another album Peter was involved with in the early 1980's. This was a special children's project and you can read more about it in the discography.
A new image on the gallery pages, a collage from a fan who saw Peter perform in Australia in the 80s and 90s and has shared some photos with us.
The Sound and Vision page has now been updated to include the latest clip from Paul Cross's DVD of Peter performing at a charity performance in 1992 and with a number of new additions from Peter's recordings after he left the New Seekers as well as more New Seeker clips. However, since uploading the latest version of the page I have discovered other clips so there is still more work to be done on this page in the very near future.
The Sound and Vision page is currently being updated. Hopefully all broken links have been removed and I will be adding new links in the next few days. Most of Peter's solo RCA recordings are now on youtube along with more additions from the New Seekers catalogue.
The facebook group is growing very quickly with 70 members already signed up and plenty of enthusiastic contributions. If you have a facebook account and haven't already dropped in, please do, you can find the group at the link below.
I'd like to thank everybody who sponsored me for the Race for Life Event. The total raised so far is £416 but with the addition of the gift aid tax relief, it will take the final amount to over £450, so thank you very much for your support.
Angus Martin will be broadcasting another birthday tribute for Peter on his Maverick's Music Box, broadcasting on Sunday 22nd July at 2pm UK time. on: UWS Radio - 87.7fm in the Ayrshire area of Scotland also
on DAB and or via the internet at http://tunein.com/radio/UWS-Radio-877-s45491/
Yahoo groups are about to close their chat facility which has come as a disappointment to members of the Yahoo Peter Doyle Webgroup who have made good use of this in recent times. All is not lost however as there is now a Peter Doyle Website on FB group, which is open to all facebook members and you can find by clicking on the following link:
If you do already have a facebook account, please come along and join the group. The Yahoo Group will also remain open for news and members' comments.

June 2012
Very sorry to hear the news that former Virgil Brother Mal McGee passed away on 17th May. Condolences to his family and friends. There is a recent clip on youtube of Mal singing shortly before he succumbed to his illness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUIFify_6N8
I will be taking part in the Race for Life in aid of cancer research on the 17th June and I shall be dedicating my efforts to Peter Doyle, Cathy Logan and my Great Uncle. If you would like to learn more about this or donate to this very special cause please visit my fundraising page:

February 2012
On October 9th, 2011 Angus Martin of UWS Radio dedicated his 2 hour show Maverick's Music Box Show to a tribute to Peter. The show is currently available to download at: http://db.tt/SBru1YGE
This is Angus's second tribute to Peter. Thanks Angus - it's great to have your support!
November 2011
In November 1972 BBC TV broadcast it's Fifty Years of Music special to coincide with it's 50th anniversary. The show featured different artists performing music from each decade with the New Seekers singing songs from the fifties. The New Seekers section of the performance has now been uploaded to youtube and can be found from links on the Sound and Vision page. A must for Peter Doyle fans.
Very sorry to hear this week that Kate Bond has passed away (2 Nov 2011). Kate was a very keen New Seeker fan, and especially of Peter Doyle and Paul Layton. She was also a friend who will be missed and our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and other friends.
October 2011
13th October - there are already plenty of tribute messages on facebook this morning, on fans own pages and especially on New Seekers group page, remember you can also send a message to the guest book via this email link
Ten years after Peter passed on, his memory is still strong in all our hearts and minds. He feared he would be forgotten but as every year passes by it is clear that he is as well loved and his music as much appreciated as it ever was as more and more people come forward, sharing their thoughts and memories with the website, webgroup and on other forums, still buying his CD and adding or viewing his clips on youtube. As always at this time of the year, our thoughts are with Peter's family and friends as we all remember him and celebrate his life in our own way. A new tribute page has been added to the website to mark the occasion - 10 Years On.
True to his word, DJ Roger 'Twiggy Day' hunted down a copy of Peter singing Friday on My Mind to play on his Friday Night Jukebox show on Radio Kent recently. Roger's verdict? 'As cover versions go that was pretty darn good'. This particular show is no longer available on 'listen again' but who knows? Maybe he will play it again or something else by Peter or any groups he was associated with if we ask.....
Paul Cross has recently uploaded a clip to youtube of Peter singing One Night With You from a 1992 performance which Paul videoed. The clip is now availble here on the website on the Sound and Vision page and Paul has made a DVD which is available to purchase, a contact link can be found on the Sound and Vision page.
On Sunday 9th October, Angus Martin is hosting another 2 hour tribute to Peter on his Maverick's Musicbox Show from 2 - 4pm UK time. The show is broadcast on UWS radio, available around Ayr in Scotland on 87.7 fm or around the world on the internet at: http://tunein.com/radio/UWS-Radio-877-s45491/ The show may be available to listen to again later, check this page for further information.
Site News
10 Years On - a new tribute page added included images not previously published on the website.
Sound and Vision page updated with more links and to include a new clip of Peter in 1992.
September 2011
Site News
More Links added to the Sound and Vision page to YouTube for Peter's early recordings
August 2011
Site News
Links to purchase details and information about Peter's CD Rarities added to Sound and Vision page.
Links to Carlin Music for Day by Day and Nevertheless (I'm in Love With You) added to the Sound and Vision page.
July 2011
Peter's birthday is almost with us again and it is quite clear from all the recent communications I have been receiving that he is just as much loved and missed as ever. Our thoughts go to his family and friends as always at this time of year. Listen out for Peter's name on radio programmes which include birthday mentions and please let me know of any you hear - better still, why not contact them to make sure they know it's his birthday!
The Peter Doyle Web Group are holding a Birthday Chat on Peter's birthday, Thursday 28th July between 8 and 10pm UK time. Everybody is welcome to come along and join in but you will need to be a member of the web group to get access to the chat page. Click on the link above to find the web group.
Site News
A new page has been added - Sound and Vision This is a page of links to various internet pages where you can hear or see Peter perform. It may be a chance for you to catch up on some eras of Peter's work that you have missed or hear some long lost-to you recordings as well as to watch him in action!
May 2011
Site News
After months of uncertain service, the website has now been moved to a new server host and should generally be available again. The entire site has been checked for broken links Every page should now be accessible and all external links should currently be working again. Please let me know if you find any links which are not working.
February 2011
28th February saw the release of a new CD by Marty Kristian. Echoes is an album of demo recordings which Marty wrote, or co-wrote and recorded in 1970s and '80s. Of special interest to Peter Doyle fans - the track entitled Reason to Stay was co-written with Peter Doyle. The CD is a must for all Marty and New Seeker fans. More information at The New Seekers website.
January 2011
More sad news this month as Cathy Logan (Kathy Ann Rae) passed away on the 11th January at the age of 53. Cathy had been living with cancer for some time. Her family our in our thoughts and prayers
November 2010
Doreen Belcher, Lyn Paul's Mum passed away on the 22nd November, Lyn and her family are in our thoughts and prayers.
July 2010
The Radio Show, entitled 'Happy Birthday Peter', featured a cross section of Peter's songs, from his earliest solo recordings, through Grandma's Tonic, Virgil Brothers, New Seekers and later works, ending with John Cartwright's tribute song My Friend, included interviews with Nic Culverwell, the New Seekers' current manager, Lyn Paul and myself and messages from John Cartwright , Eve Graham and fans. It will be repeated (broadcast details below) on Wednesday 4th August, between 2 and 4 pm BST. (More detailed review to follow......)
Revised Details:
Please note that the tribute show detailed below has been extended to a 2 hour show which will now be broadcast on Sunday 25th July between 2 and 4 pm.
UCA radio will be broadcasting a one hour's birthday tribute to Peter with songs from his solo, Virgil Brothers and New Seeker days. The programme will be broadcast between 2 and 4pm BST on Wednesday 28th July in the Maverick's Music Box programme and repeated between 2 and 5pm BST on Sunday 7th August. The station broadcasts locally, on 87.7 fm from Ayrshire in Scotland. It is also available over the internet - visit the website at: UCA Radio
The programme's presenter, Angus Martin, would welcome contributions from anyone who wants to share their memories of Peter Doyle. If you have any you would like to share please email them to me here and I will pass them on.
March 2010
Site News
Removed obsolete external links from the Links page.
December 2009
Site News
Messages commemorating Peter's 60th birthday have now been moved to the Guestbook.
July 2009
It is 'that time of the year' again and really hard to believe that Peter should have been celebrating his 60th birthday this year. I know many of you will be makingl birthday visit to the site and would want to join me in sending thoughts and prayers to Peter's family and friends.
Sad to hear about the death in February of Pat Aulton , who, as Australia's leading producer at the time, produced all of Peter's early recordings on the Sunshine label.
On a happier note, the current line-up of the New Seekers are on tour again, this year celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding of the original group. They have just released an CD entitled It's Been Too Long, which includes original recordings of all the group's UK hits as well as a few tracks by the latest line up and another CD comprising two of the groups original albums Together Again and Anthem both of which were released after Peter Doyle left the group. Meanwhile Lyn Paul has been appearing in her own show in Europe which she has put together to recreate the sound of the New Seekers.
Site News
Details of the It's Been Too Long CD added to the discography and other minor changes made to the New Seeker CD pages
Thoughts and Memories - a new page added to commemorate Peter's 60th birthday, if you would like to add anything to this page, please send a message to the Guest Book address.
A fresh look given to the home page and a change of logo introduced on other pages along with minor updates.
June 2009
Site News
Link page updated. Please let me know via the contact link below if you find any broken links on the site, whether to external sites or pages within the website. I would also welcome feedback on the text version of this website. At the moment only a handful of pages are available as text only pages, if you would like to see more of the website's content converted to a text only version, please let me know.
February 2009
Marcie Jones has recently published her autobiography, Runs in the Blood, a not-to-be-missed read for anybody interested in this Australian singing legend and the Australian music scene in recent decades. Marcie's story of her life and times is scattered with memories of good friends, not least of whom is her very special friend, Peter Doyle. As well as various anecdotes about Peter, he can be spotted in a few of the pictures from the 60s as well as a lovely photo taken with Marcie and Rob Mcpherson in the 1990s. Copies of the book are available direct from Australia at : http://marcie.ncs.net.au/ For more about Marcie visit her website : http://www.marciejones.com
Very sorry to hear about the deaths of Brian Naylor and his wife Moiree in the recent fires in Australia. Brian was the leader of Swallows Juniors, later called Brian and the Juniors, the troupe which Peter joined after winning their talent show and stayed with for 5 years. After 11 years with the Juniors Brian moved on to newsreading firstly on Channel 7 and then Channel 9 retiring in 1998 after over 40 years in broadcasting. He was well-loved and respected by many and will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with his family and indeed the many who have suffered because of the recent fires in Australia.
There is currently a clip on YouTube from Australian Television featuring Brian Naylor talking about his television career and if you watch it carefully, amongst the clips of the Juniors, you will catch a quick glimpse of a young Peter Doyle singing a duet, but blink and you will miss it!
January 2009
Music Pop Hits have recently updated their website and now have a page dedicated to Peter Doyle where you can listen to some of his early solo recordings and also some he made with the Virgil Brothers: http://www.musicpophits.com/MainPages/MaleStars/PeterDoyle.htm
There is also a New Seekers page which includes a small selection of the group's recordings which mostly include Peter and a page for Marty Kristian.
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